Perhaps you’ve got too much IoT sensor data?

How about using smart statistics and averaging to make more sense of your remotely monitored assets?

You’ll learn in this tutorial how to use automatic calculators to compute a running average of your Industrial IoT Measurements.

You, your teams, and everyone at your organization might get inundated or overwhelmed with too much information. How do you pick out what’s really important? In some cases, calculating a running average from your sensor historizer will solve your problems.

For example, with temperature or water level sensor measurements, you can automatically calculate a historical running average of your 5 most recent sensor values that are up to 10 minutes old. Let’s go through how to do that with calculators.

First off, you’ll login in to your account, go to your Device Manager, and then click the name of the device you’d like to configure.

Then in the upper right, under the orange Configure Data Path drop down menu, click Other Calculators.

Use the dropdown menu to choose your Calculator to configure. In this case, we’ll go over the calculator for Statistics – recent history average of one sensor channel. Select your type, give your calculator a memorable name, and click the blue + (plus) button to make your new calculator.

Next up you’ll see all of your options for fine tuning and setting up your statistical IoT sensor calculator.

At the top is an extended description of what this calculator does – averaging up to the 5 most recent sensor upload events.

In the notes field you’ll type in what this calculator is calculating and why you made it, e.g., running average of the 5 most recent temperature readings that are up to 10 minutes old.

You’ll choose your output channel using the dropdown menu. This tells the calculator where to save the running average. In the screenshot you’ll see we’re saving the calculations to the Calculated 7 field.

In the Input Channel drop down menu, select which sensor column you’d like to use for your averaging calculator. You’ll see in the example here that we’ve picked the ambient temperature sensor field.

Your 1st calculation variable is the maximum number of historical readings you’d like to include in the average calculations. This cache of recent measurements is limited to 5 entries and includes the current, most recent sensor reading as 1 of the inputs.

Your 2nd calculation variable is the number of seconds you’d like to set as the maximum age of any previous sensor data used in the average calculations. If any sensor reading is older than this amount of time then it won’t be used by the calculator.

The default is 600 seconds, a.k.a., 10 minutes. Set it to your desired maximum amount of time, when you’d like to stop accumulating your historical sensor data for your average calculations.

Save your calculator with the green button in the bottom right. Now you’ve done it. Your average calculator has been made and is calculating away. You’ll see the statistical results on in the column you’ve chosen for writing outputs, Calc 7 in this demo.

You can use the menus to change the order of execution. You’ll need to verify this if the inputs to your calculators need to be in an specific order so that the output of 1 calculator happens before it’s used as the input to another calculator.

Your calculator results are available all throughout Valarm Tools Cloud. You’ll see screenshots in this blog post of Industrial IoT Averaging / Statistical Calculator results on graphs, 2D and 3D maps.

What else can you use Calculators for? Take a gander at some of your other calculators that are ready for you to use:




How can Valarm help your organization run more effectively with Industrial IoT applications?

On our Customer Stories Page you’ll find various Industrial IoT case studies / use cases where is used in industries like water resources management and flood warning systems.

Have a look at our Web Dashboards for Remote Monitoring, Telemetry, Sensors, and Industrial Internet of Things Devices. is an open platform so you can use sensors made by any hardware manufacturer. You’ll want the most rugged and reliable sensor for your specific remote monitoring needs. Our industrial customers have some favorite sensor brands like:

Whether you need mobile or stationary monitoring systems, let us know what you, your teams, and your organization need to monitor.

We’ll work with you to deploy your most effective monitoring systems to improve your business operations.

Please don’t hesitate to talk to me at if you’ve got any questions.